Our Fall 2022 Engineering Design Day event will be held on Thursday, December 8th, 2022, from 1:00pm-3:30pm in EIS Courtyard.
Please view our 2022 Design Day Booklet which provides a picture and description of all projects that will be participating in the 2022 event.
Design Day is the largest College of Engineering event and it showcases the exciting and innovative design projects that our undergraduate Engineering students conceive, design and build during the academic year. Each Senior Design classes in Aerospace Engineering, Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering will be participating. 73 projects will be showcased at the 2022 Engineering Design Day event. Below are the Mechanical Engineering Senior Design projects that will be showcased at the event (More details of individual projects will be available as the event draws closer).

The purpose of our project is to explore improvements in the energy harvesting potential of piezoelectric crystals and suggest applications. Crystals grown in biomimetically inspired structures were compared with solid crystals of the same volume and impact area. These crystals were compared against varying impact forces, frequencies, and crystal volumes to evaluate energy capture and durability.
- Team Members: Michael Hodgson, Destiny Kassab, Tran Ly, Tyler Pinuelas
- Team Video

The team was tasked to design, manufacture, assemble, and program a custom DIW printer with a mounting system that can be integrated onto a commercially available fused deposition modeling
(FDM) 3D printer. The mount will be equipped with an extruder and a high-resolution camera system powered by a high precision dispenser that contains software to be utilized by the 3D Printer.
- Team Members: Brandon Gomez Zoon, Jack Marcum, Brandon Zozula, Khanh Nguyen, Abi Daniel
- Team Video

NIWC Pacific requires a deployable system that introduces nutrients from the ocean and a separate artificial nutrient feed into multiple test Microfluidic Benthic Microbial Fuel Cells (MBMFC) to measure their power generation capacity.
- Team Members: Bruce Yam, Daniel Alesi, Jared Lee, Tyler Calkins
- Team Video

To understand and experiment on NASA's new flow sensor and fans used within the Integrated Combustion Rack on the ISS originally manufactured by ZIN Technologies.
- Team Members: Coleman Reiner, Cody Pappa, Logan Malaney
- Team Video

The project objective is to bring 3D rendered concepts for kinetic sculpture into reality.
- Team Members: Elijah Aguilar, John Schopp, Jack Caffo, Tristan Miller
- Team Video

The objective is to redesign the existing Bowden cable pulley geometry to be able to pivot in all directions. We must also determine the most efficient path for the cable that providesthe least resistance for the user's movement
- Team Members: Nickolas Marcove, Manuel Montalvo, Jonathon Dallago, Nick Yeo, Andres Lozovey
- Team Video

To develop a lightweight remote-controlled vehicle able to maneuver on the outer wall of ferrous surfaces, while maintaining a safe distance for the user. Mounting cameras would allow the user to maneuver the vehicle from a remote location.
- Team Members: Omar Berganza, Djannu Garcia, Frank Oiwa

This project was originally intended to service as a personal transport device for a child with a disability and was designed to be catered to his exact dimensions and personal comfort. It is intended for offroad use with assistance and implements a simple suspension system into a reclining chair with a 6061 aluminum frame.
- Team Members: Eric Rintoul, Daniel Orosco, Devon DeLonzor
- Team Trail Blazer Video

Our goal is to create a 3D bone scaffold that is both porous and mechanically strong to mimic a human bone through AM-SS. To do this, the team needed to design and print a sacrificial mold to be filled with Hydroxyapatite which is
pressurized in a Cold Isostatic Press. This then undergoes a fusion process via sintering to produce a scaffold with the targeted porosity as well as the targeted mechanical strength.
- Team Members: Irin Jem Dalan, Teresa Garcia, Emily Jacobo, Azalea Orozco
- Team Video

The team has developed a system that is capable of reliably launching four UUVs remotely and also capable of being
mounted on the WAMV-16. The system is attached right below the payload platform of the WAMV-16 with ratchet straps and the electronics on board are enclosed inside a PelicanTM Case on top of the payload platform. The drone holding and releasing mechanism is driven by a NEMA-34 stepper motor.
- Team Members: Luke Adame, Austin Chua, Roel Cruz, Spencer Dowda, Benjamin Shaffer
- Team Video

The objective is determining ignition time delay of a solid fuel undergoing a constant control radiative heat flux, the
impact of thickness and thermal conductivity on PMMA and cellulose sample flame spread rates, and the effect of thickness on flame spread rate in the presence of controlled air flow or burn angles.
- Team Members: Nathan Casebier, Abigail Ziegel, Jake Nowicki, Rodolfo Callado
- Team Video

Our goal was to develop a proof of concept design to accurately and rapidly measure temperature of a semiconductor device case. The concepts would be designed to be integrated with Cohu’s existing thermal heads in order to use existing testing equipment to gather data.
- Team Members: Brendan Thio, Bryce Sandoval, Christopher Shoup, Jacob Gould, Richard Tam
- Team Video

The goal is to provide biometric data to users by implanting a microprocessor, battery, and sensors in a shoe insole to transmit data to processing software. This will provide usable, meaningful data to the customer who can then act on
- Team Members: Oliver Ryan, Dillon Johnson, Carla Delgadillo
- Team Video

The team has developed a system that is capable of reliably launching four UUVs remotely and also capable of being
mounted on the WAMV-16. The system is attached right below the payload platform of the WAMV-16 with ratchet straps and the electronics on board are enclosed inside a PelicanTM Case on top of the payload platform. The drone holding and releasing mechanism is driven by a NEMA-34 stepper motor.
- Team Members: Luke Adame, Austin Chua, Roel Cruz, Spencer Dowda, Benjamin Shaffer
- Team Video