Spring 2021 Outstanding Graduate: Venezia Osuna

Venezia was born and raised in the Imperial Valley and transferred to SDSU Fall 2019. Besides earning high-honors for coursework, Venezia is also serving in leadership roles of student organizations in the College of Engineering. She is the VP of Events for Quality Of Life+, a student chapter dedicated to creating innovative solutions for injured veterans in the community. Additionally, Venezia was the Treasurer of Society of Women Engineers and enjoyed the opportunity to connect with like-minded women in her field. Venezia also gained work experience in an on-campus internship at the Department of Energy supported Industrial Assessment Center under Prof. Camacho and Beyene. This student org and internship experience reinforced her passion for biotech and energy efficiency.
Finishing up her final semester, Venezia is excited for her and her group to showcase their senior design project, position sensitive shock absorbers, sponsored by Aztec Baja. As a first generation college student, Venezia is especially excited about earning her BSME degree with high honors. After graduation, Venezia hopes to stay in San Diego and pursue a career in the industry. She is excited for all the new opportunities that come with entering the workforce and one day plans to return to school to pursue a masters in Project Management.