Spring 2019 Senior Design: QL+

Students: Collin Beaty, Dominic Castillo, Dylan Doan, Dante Legaspi, Anders Ohrstrom, Dustin Ybarra
At the beginning of the Fall semester, this team was given the challenge to create a surfing system for Mr. Jordan Sisco, a US Army veteran, who lost both legs due to Improvised Explosive Device. This project offered a broad problem statement for the team, allowing a variety of unique and innovative solutions to be considered. After requirements gathering, research and an ideation process along with trade studies, the team decided to focus on two design solutions. The first design involves a professionally shaped surfboard made to specifically fit the disabled veteran along with a unique handle system to allow controllability. The second design solution involves a unique propulsion system that is comprised of two individually controlled, electrically powered motors mounted to the sides of a surfboard. This allows the user to propel himself in the water, which can assist him in dropping into waves, and further can be used as a recreational vehicle in flat water.
Both design solutions are making large strides of progress with expectations to be completed by early April. The motors are tested and functional, and a modified handle system was recently introduced and is currently being implemented. Through this project the team has definitely learned a lot about teamwork, engineering, and product development as would be expected from a senior design project; but the team has also learned about the awesome community and individuals that love to do things like surfing even through disabilities and hardships. These individuals have taught the team a ton about the human spirit and opened the team’s eyes to what it means to truly adapt and overcome. This project is sponsored by Quality of Life Plus, a national non-profit organization with a mission to aid disabled veterans and first responders.