Dr. Peiman Naseradinmousavi

Associate Professor
Academic Affairs
College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Primary Email: [email protected]
Primary Phone: 619-594-0753
Engineering - 323C
Mail Code: 1323
Website Links
Before joining San Diego State University, Dr. Peiman Naseradinmousavi was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Purdue University. He received his Ph.D and B.Sc. degrees in mechanical engineering (dynamics and control) from Villanova and Tabriz universities, in 2012 and 2002, respectively.
His research interests include Smart Flow Distribution Network, Robotics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Control Theory, Optimization, Magnetic Bearings, and Mathematical Modeling.
Ph.D., Villanova University, Philadelphia
Areas of Expertise
Smart Flow Distribution Network, Robotics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Control Theory, Optimization, Magnetic Bearings, Mathematical Modeling
Awards & Honors
- Subject Editor, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023-Present.
Recipient of the John J. Gallen Memorial Award in 2021. Instituted in 1977, this prestigious award recognizes outstanding younger graduates of Villanova University's College of Engineering.
- Our unique Analytical-Experimental effort entitled "Experimental and Analytical Decentralized Adaptive Control of a 7-DOF Robot Manipulator" Won the Best Student Paper Award, by My PhD Student Alexander Bertino, at Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), 2020.
- Associate Editor for the ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control
- Associate Editor of Journal of Vibration and Control
- Oustanding PhD Student of the College of Engineering at Villanova University
- Full scholarship of ONR (Office of Naval Research)

58. Vahid Tavakol Aghaei, Arda Agababaoglu, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, Sinan Yildirim, Serhat Yesilyurt, and Ahmet Onat, "Energy Optimization of Wind Turbines via a Neural Control Policy Based on Reinforcement Learning Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithm", Applied Energy, Vol. 341, p. 121108. 2023.
57. Bo Wang, Sergey Nersesov, Hashem Ashrafiuon, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, and Miroslav Krstic, "Underactuated Source Seeking by Surge Force Tuning: Theory and Boat Experiments ", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 31, Issue 4, pp. 1649-1662, 2023.
56. Alexander Bertino, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, and Miroslav Krstic, "Prescribed-Time Safety Filter for a 7-DOF Robot Manipulator: Experiment and Design", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 31, Issue 4, pp. 1762-1773, 2023.
55. Jafar Keighobadi, Hadi Mohammadian KhalafAnsar, and Peiman Naseradinmousavi, "Adaptive neural dynamic surface control for uniform energy exploitation of floating wind turbine", Applied Energy, Vol. 316, p. 119132, 2022.
54. Alexander Bertino, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, and Miroslav Krstic, "Experiment and Design of Prescribed-Time Safety Filter for a 7-DOF Robot Manipulator Using CBF-QP ", IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2022.
53. Alexander Bertino, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, and Miroslav Krstic, "Design and Experiment of a Prescribed-Time Trajectory Tracking Controller for a 7-DOF Robot Manipulator", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol. 144, Issue 10, p. 101005, 2022.
52. Bo Wang, Sergey Nersesov, Hashem Ashrafiuon, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, and Miroslav Krstic, "Source Seeking for Planar Underactuated Vehicles by Surge Force Tuning", The IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2022.
50. Alexander Bertino, Hashem Ashrafiuon, and Peiman Naseradinmousavi, "Disturbance Attenuation Through Real-Time Optimization of PD Gains for a Two-Link Robot", IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 54, Issue 20, Pages 84-89, 2021.
49. Shae T. Hart, Mohammad A. Ayoubi, and Peiman Naseradinmousavi, "Comparative Study of Pseudospectral Methods for Spacecraft Optimal Attitude Maneuvers", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 59:1, pp. 178–189, 2022.
47. Alexander Bertino, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, and Miroslav Krstic, "Experimental and Analytical Delay-Adaptive Control of a 7-DOF Robot Manipulator", the American Control Conference (ACC), pp: 72-77, 2021.
46. Mostafa Bagheri and Peiman Naseradinmousavi, "Analytical and experimental nonzero-sum differential game-based control of a 7-DOF robotic manipulator", Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 28(5-6), pp. 707-71, 2021.
45. Alexander Bertino, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, and Atul Kelkar, "Analytical and Experimental Decentralized Adaptive Control of a High-Degrees-of-Freedom Robot Manipulator", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol. 143, Issue 7, p. 071007, 2021.
44. Luca Parrinello, Panagiotis Dafnakis, Edoardo Pasta, Giovanni Bracco, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, Giuliana Mattiazzo, and Amneet Pal Singh Bhalla, " An adaptive and energy-maximizing control optimization of wave energy converters using an extremum-seeking approach", Physics of Fluids , 32, 113307, 2020.
43. Mostafa Bagheri, Iasson Karafyllis, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, and Miroslav Krstic, "Adaptive Control of a Two-Link Robot Using Batch Least-Square Identifier", IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, Vol. 8, No. 1, January, 2021.
42. Mostafa Bagheri, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, and Miroslav Krstic, "Feedback Linearization Based Predictor for Time Delay Control of a High-DOF Robot Manipulator", Automatica, Vol. 108, No. 108485, October, 2019.
41. Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Serdar Cicek, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, Abdul Jalil M. Khalaf, Sajad Jafari, and Anitha Karthikeyan, "A Novel Parametrically Controlled Multi-Scroll Chaotic Attractor Along With Electronic Circuit Design", The European Physical Journal Plus, Vol. 133, No. 354, pp: 1-8, DOI 10.1140/epjp/i2018-12168-9, 2018.
40. Mostafa Bagheri, Miroslav Krstic, and Peiman Naseradinmousavi, "Multivariable Extremum Seeking for Joint-Space Trajectory Optimization of a High-Degrees-of-Freedom Robot", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol. 140, Issue 11, pp: 111017-111017-13, 2018.
39. Mostafa Bagheri, Miroslav Krstic, and Peiman Naseradinmousavi, "Joint-Space Trajectory Optimization of a 7-DOF Baxter Using Multivariable Extremum Seeking", the 2018 American Control Conference (ACC), Paper No. WeC16.4, Milwaukee, USA, June 27-29, 2018.
38. Peiman Naseradinmousavi, Hashem Ashrafiuon, and Mostafa Bagheri, "Suppressing Chaotic and Hyperchaotic Dynamics of Smart Valves Network Using A Centralized Adaptive Approach", the 2018 American Control Conference (ACC), Paper No. WeC03.1, Milwaukee, USA, June 27-29, 2018.
37. Peiman Naseradinmousavi, Hashem Ashrafiuon, and Mostafa Bagheri, "A Decentralized Neuro-Adaptive Control Scheme to Suppress Chaotic/Hyperchaotic Dynamics of Smart Valves Network", ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 13, Issue 5, pp: 051008-1-051008-11, 2018.
36. Peiman Naseradinmousavi, Hashem Ashrafiuon, and M. A. Ayoubi, "An Adaptive Centralized Approach to Control Chaotic and Hyperchaotic Dynamics of Smart Valves Network", ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 13, Issue 1, pp: 011002-011002-11, January, 2018.
35. Mostafa Bagheri and Peiman Naseradinmousavi, "Novel Analytical and Experimental Trajectory Optimization of a 7-DOF Baxter Robot: Global Design Sensitivity and Step Size Analyses", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 93, Issue 9-12, pp: 4153-4167, 2017.
34. Peiman Naseradinmousavi, Sahar Ghanipoor Machiani, Mohammad A. Ayoubi, and C. Nataraj, "Coupled Operational Optimization of Smart Valve System Subject to Different Approach Angles of a Pipe Contraction", Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 55, Issue 3, pp: 1001-1015, March, 2017.
33. David B. Segala and Peiman Naseradinmousavi, ''On the Inclusion of Time Derivatives of State Variables for Parametric Model Order Reduction for a Beam on a Nonlinear Foundation", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol. 139, Issue 8, pp: 081009-081009-7, 2017.
32. Peiman Naseradinmousavi, David B. Segala, and C. Nataraj, ''Chaotic and Hyperchaotic Dynamics of Smart Valves System Subject to a Sudden Contraction'', ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 11, Issue 5, pp: 051025-051025-9, 2016.
31. Peiman Naseradinmousavi, Miroslav Krstic, and C. Nataraj, ''Design Optimization of Dynamically Coupled Actuated Butterfly Valves Subject to a Sudden Contraction'', ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 138, Issue 4, pp: 041402-041402-11, February, 2016.
30. B. Safaei, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, and A. Rahmani, ''Development of an accurate molecular mechanics model for buckling behavior of multi-walled carbon nanotubes under axial compression'', Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, Vol. 65, pp: 43-60, April, 2016.
29. Peiman Naseradinmousavi, ''A Novel Nonlinear Modeling and Dynamic Analysis of Solenoid Actuated Butterfly Valves Coupled in Series'' , ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol. 137, Issue 1, pp: 014505-014505-5, January, 2015.
28. Peiman Naseradinmousavi and C. Nataraj, ''Optimal Design of Solenoid Actuators Driving Butterfly Valves'', ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 135, Issue 9, pp: 094501-094501-5, July, 2013.
27. Peiman Naseradinmousavi and C. Nataraj, ''Transient Chaos and Crisis Phenomena in Butterfly Valves Driven by Solenoid Actuators'', Journal of Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 17, Issue 11, pp: 4336-4345, 2012.
26. D. Lee, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, and C. Nataraj, ''Nonlinear Model-Based Adaptive Control of a Solenoid-Valve System'', Journal of Control Science and Engineering, Vol. 2012, 2012.
25. Peiman Naseradinmousavi and C. Nataraj, ''Nonlinear Mathematical Modeling of Butterfly Valves Driven by Solenoid Actuators'', Journal of Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 35, Issue 5, pp:2324-2335, 2011.
24. Peiman Naseradinmousavi, Bagheri, A., and Miripour-Fard, B., ''Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Combined Trajectory Paths of a Seven Link Biped Robot'', Climbing and Walking Robots, ISBN 978-953-307-030-8, pp: 165-184, March 2010.
23. Peiman Naseradinmousavi, C. Nataraj, Ahmad Bagheri, and Mehdi Alizadeh Entezari, ''Mathematical Modeling of Combined Trajectory Paths of a Seven Link Biped Robot'', Journal of Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 32, Issue 7, pp: 1445-1462, 2008.
22. Peiman Naseradinmousavi and Ahmad Bagheri, ''Mathematical Modeling of a Seven Link Biped Robot and ZMP Considerations'', Journal of Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 31, Issue 1, pp: 18-37, 2007.
21. Peiman Naseradinmousavi and Ahmad Bagheri, ''Dynamical Simulation of Single and Combined Trajectory Path Generation and Control of a Seven Link Biped Robot'', Humanoid Robots: New Developments, ISBN 978-3-902613-00-4, pp: 89-120, June 2007.
20. A. Bertino, P. Naseradinmousavi, and A. Kelkar, "Experimental and Analytical Decentralized Adaptive Control of a 7-DOF Robot Manipulator", the ASME 2020 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), Paper No: DSCC2020-20867, Accepted to be Presented, Pittsburgh, USA, 2020.
19. M. Bagheri, A. Bertino, and P. Naseradinmousavi, "Experimental and Analytical Nonzero-Sum Differential Game-Based Control of a 7-DOF Robotic Manipulator", the ASME 2020 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), Paper No: DSCC2020-23518, Accepted to be Presented, Pittsburgh, USA, 2020.
18. A. Bertino, M. Bagheri, M. Krstic, and P. Naseradinmousavi, "Experimental Autonomous Deep Learning-based 3D Path Planning for a 7-DOF Robot Manipulator", the ASME 2019 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), Paper No: DSCC2019-8951, p. V002T14A002, Oct. 8 - Oct. 11, Park City, Utah, USA, 2019.
17. M. Bagheri, P. Naseradinmousavi, and M. Krstic, "Time Delay Control of a High-DOF Robot Manipulator Through Feedback Linearization Based Predictor", the ASME 2019 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), Paper No: DSCC2019-8915, p. V003T16A001, Oct. 8 - Oct. 11, Park City, Utah, USA, 2019.
16. M. Bagheri, M. Krstic, and P. Naseradinmousavi, "Analytical and experimental predictor-based time delay control for Baxter robot," the ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), Paper No. DSCC2018-9101, pp. V001T04A011, Sept.30-Oct. 3, Atlanta, USA, 2018.
15. M.A. Ayoubi and Peiman Naseradinmousavi, "Open-Loop Minimum-Energy Maneuver of a Solar-Sail Using Magnetic Torques and Reaction Wheels", the ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), Paper No: DSCC2018-9093, pp. V003T40A010, Sept. 30-Oct. 3, Atlanta, USA, 2018.
14. Peiman Naseradinmousavi, Mostafa Bagheri, Hashem Ashrafiuon, Marcello Canova, and David B. Segala, "Suppressing Chaotic/Hyperchaotic Dynamics of Smart Valves Network Using Decentralized and Centralized Schemes", the ASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), Invited Session: Control of Smart Buildings and Microgrids, Volume 3, pp: V003T42A001, Paper No: DSCC2017-5006, Oct. 11-13, Virginia, USA, 2017.
13. Mostafa Bagheri, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, and Rasha Morsi, "Experimental and Novel Analytical Trajectory Optimization of a 7-DOF Baxter Robot: Global Design Sensitivity and Step Size Analysis", theASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), Volume 1, pp: V001T30A001, Paper No: DSCC2017-5004, Oct. 11-13, Virginia, USA, 2017.
12. Peiman Naseradinmousavi, Mostafa Bagheri, Miroslav Krstic, and C. Nataraj, ''Coupled Chaotic and Hyperchaotic Dynamics of Actuated Butterfly Valves Operating in Series'' , the ASME 2016 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), Volume 2: Mechatronics; Mechatronics and Controls in Advanced Manufacturing; Modeling and Control of Automotive Systems and Combustion Engines; Modeling and Validation; Motion and Vibration Control Applications; Multi-Agent and Networked Systems; Path Planning and Motion Control; Robot Manipulators; Sensors and Actuators; Tracking Control Systems; Uncertain Systems and Robustness; Unmanned, Ground and Surface Robotics; Vehicle Dynamic Controls; Vehicle Dynamics and Traffic Control, Paper No. DSCC2016-9601, pp: V002T17A001, October 12-14, Minneapolis, 2016.
11. Peiman Naseradinmousavi, Mostafa Bagheri, and C. Nataraj, ''COUPLED OPERATIONAL OPTIMIZATION OF SMART VALVE SYSTEM SUBJECT TO DIFFERENT APPROACH ANGLES OF A PIPE CONTRACTION'' , the ASME 2016 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), Volume 1: Advances in Control Design Methods, Nonlinear and Optimal Control, Robotics, and Wind Energy Systems; Aerospace Applications; Assistive and Rehabilitation Robotics; Assistive Robotics; Battery and Oil and Gas Systems; Bioengineering Applications; Biomedical and Neural Systems Modeling, Diagnostics and Healthcare; Control and Monitoring of Vibratory Systems; Diagnostics and Detection; Energy Harvesting; Estimation and Identification; Fuel Cells/Energy Storage; Intelligent Transportation, Paper No. DSCC2016-9627, pp: V001T02A001, October 12-14, Minneapolis, 2016.
10. Peiman Naseradinmousavi and C. Nataraj, ''Design Optimization of Solenoid Actuated Butterfly Valves Dynamically Coupled in Series'' , the ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), Volume 2: Diagnostics and Detection; Drilling; Dynamics and Control of Wind Energy Systems; Energy Harvesting; Estimation and Identification; Flexible and Smart Structure Control; Fuels Cells/Energy Storage; Human Robot Interaction; HVAC Building EnergyManagement; Industrial Applications; Intelligent Transportation Systems; Manufacturing; Mechatronics; Modelling and Validation; Motion and Vibration Control Applications, pp. V002T33A001, Paper No. DSCC2015-9605, October 28-30, Columbus, 2015.
9. Peiman Naseradinmousavi, ''Optimal Design of Dynamically Coupled Solenoid Actuated Butterfly Valves Subject to a Sudden Contraction'' , the ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Volume 4A: Dynamics, Vibration, and Control, pp. V04AT04A032, Paper No. IMECE2015-50094, November 13-19, Houston, 2015.
8. Peiman Naseradinmousavi, ''An Operationally Optimized Seven Link Biped Robot Moving on Slopes'', ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Volume 4A: Dynamics, Vibration and Control, San Diego, California, pp. V04AT04A018, November 15-21, 2013.
7. P. Naseradinmousavi and Hashem Ashrafiuon, ''A Comparative Study Between Human Evolutionary Gait And An Operationally Optimized Seven Link Biped Robot'', Proceedings of The ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), August 4-7, 2013, PORTLAND, USA.
6. Peiman Naseradinmousavi, C. Nataraj, and M. Frank, ''Nonlinear Modeling and Analysis of Electromagnetic Bearings with Permanent Magnets for bias'', ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Volume 1: 24th Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, pp: 747-756, August 12-15, 2012, CHICAGO, USA.
5. Peiman Naseradinmousavi and C. Nataraj, ''A Chaotic Blue Sky Catastrophe of Butterfly Valves Driven by Solenoid Actuators'', ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, vol. 7: Dynamic Systems and Control; Mechatronics and Intelligent Machines, Parts A and B, Paper No. IMECE2011-62608, pp: 25-31, November 11-17, 2011, Denver.
4. Peiman Naseradinmousavi and C. Nataraj, ''Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Valves with Solenoid Actuators for Shipboard Applications, Intelligent Ships Symposium IX, Drexel University, Philadelphia, 2011.
3. Lee, D., Peiman Naseradinmousavi, and Nataraj, C., ''Nonlinear Model-Based Adaptive Control of a Solenoid-Valve System'', 3rd Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Volume 2, pp. 437-444, September 13-15, 2010.
2. C. Nataraj and Peiman Naseradinmousavi, ''Nonlinear Analysis of Solenoid Actuators and Butterfly Valve Systems'', 14th International Ship Control Systems Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, 2009.
1. Ahmad Bagheri, Mohamad Felezi, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, ''Adaptive Control and Simulation of a Seven Link Biped Robot For a Combined Trajectory Motion and Stability Investigations'', Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on Applications of Electrical Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, pp: 232-240, March 12-14, 2006.
- Solution manual for Vibration of Mechanical Systems written by Prof. C. Nataraj, ISBN 8131516245, 2012.
- Solution manual for Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics, Meriam, in Farsi, 3rd edition, Ashina, ISBN 9645964571, 2001.
- Translated Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics, Fowler, in Farsi, Tabriz University Publications, 2001.