Dr. Patrick Kwon

Professor and Chair
Academic Affairs
College of Engineering
Department of Engineering
Dr. Patrick Kwon joined SDSU in the fall semester of 2024 as the chair of Mechanical Engineering Department after being in the ME faculty of Michigan State University for 29 year. His general research interest is in manufacturing. In particular, he has worked on machining, where he focused on the fundamental wear mechanisms for various alloys and process enhancement technologies such as minimum quantity lubrication, magnetic assisted finishing and modulated assisted machining, and additive manufacturing, where he developed a new binder jet processing technique, studied the impact of post processing on Ti alloy produced by electron beam melting, studied the effect of heat treatment of Nitinol alloys produced by selective laser melting and invented a new processing technique called Scalable and Expeditious Additive Manufacturing (SEAM) to improve the productivity of AM.
- Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
- M.S. from M.I.T.
- B.S. from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Areas of Specialization
Manufacturing, Machining, Tool Wear, Minimum quantity lubrication, Nanofluid, magnetic assisted finishing, Binder Jet printing, Selective Laser Melting, Nitinol, new AM techniques.
NSF, AFOSR, ARMY, ARPA-E, Ford, DARPA, KITECH (South Korea), Hyundai Motor Company, LG electronics, Boeing, General Motor, Ford Motor Company.
- Ali, A., Kwon, P., Guo, Y., 2024, Wear reduction mechanism in modulated turning of nodular graphite iron with coated carbide tool, Tribology International, 109591, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2024.109591.
- Tareq, S., Rahmann, T., Poudel, B., Chung, H., Kwon, P., 2024, Heat treatment protocol for the additively manufactured nitinol shape memory alloy for biomedical applications, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A, 897, 146274. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2024.146274
- Tareq, S., Poudel, B., Nguyen, H., Chung, H. and Kwon, P., 2024, Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Nitinol Shape Memory Alloy with Superelastic Characteristics on Ti Substrate, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 119, pp. 964-974. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmapro.2024.04.005
- Poudel, B., Nguyen, H., Song, J., Kwon, P., Chung, H., 2023, ‘Novel Process Modeling of Magnetic-Field Assisted Finishing (MAF) with Rheological Properties,’ Lubricants, 11(6), 239, https://doi.org/10.3390/lubricants11060239
- Poudel, B., Nguyen, H., Song, J., Kwon, P., Chung, H., 2023, ‘Selective laser melting of oxide dispersion strengthened MA956 alloy and its surface finishing by magnetic field assisted finishing,’ Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 97, pp. 220-234. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmapro.2023.04.078
- Kumari, G., Pham, T., Rahman, T., Foster, S., Boehlert, C., 2023, ‘Improving the soft magnetic properties of binder jet printed iron-silicon alloy through boron additions,’ Materials Chemistry and Physics, 296, 127181. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2022.127181
- Lu, J., Khawarizmi, R., Molina-Aldareguia, J., Monclús, M., Kwon, P., Bieler, T., 2023, ‘Effect of Cutting speed on Shear Band Formation and Chip Morphology of Ti-6Al-4V alloy using Nanoindentation and EBSD Mapping,’ Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A, 862,144372. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2022.144372
- Ali, A., Zhao, J., Kwon, P., Sencer, B., and Guo, Y., 2023 ‘Modulated Orthogonal Cutting System Realized by Piezo Stack Actuation and Linear Guide Coupling,’ Manufacturing Letters, 35, pp. 468-476.
- Sandoval, J., Ali, A., Kwon, P., Stephenson, D., and Guo, Y., 2023, ‘Wear Reduction Mechanisms in Modulated Turning of Compacted Graphite Iron with Coated Carbide Tool,’ Tribology International, 178, Part A, 108602. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2022.108062.
- Shin, C., Do, T., D., So, T.-Y., Ko, S.-H., Lee, D., Chung, H., Kwon, P., 2022, ‘A Comparative Study on Mechanical Properties of Fully Dense Stainless Steel Parts Produced by Modified Binder Jet Printing,’ Materials & Design, 224, 111343, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2022.111343