Dr. Khaled Morsi

Academic Affairs
College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Primary Email: [email protected]
Primary Phone: 619-594-2903
Engineering - 305
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego,
Mail Code: 1323
Website Links
Dr. Morsi received his Ph.D. from University of Oxford in United Kingdom in 1996. Dr. Morsi’s research area is Materials Science with a focus on processing and properties of metals, intermetallics, ceramics and their composites. He has published numerous journal articles in the areas of materials processing and powder metallurgy. His research group’s current activities include synthesis of carbon nanotubes, nanotube reinforced aluminum composites, the development of lightweight in-situ dual matrix composites, reactive processing of Intermetallics, and processing-microstructure-properties
Ph.D., University of Oxford, UK
Areas of Expertise
Nanomaterials, Powder Metallurgy, Engineering Materials, Advanced Materials Processing and Thermodynamics.
NSF (multiple divisions), DOE, Amo co, San Diego Foundation, California Energy Commission
1. A. Numula, A.El-Desouky, K.S.Moon, S.K. Kassegne, K.Morsi, Reactive Current Activated Tip-based Sintering of Ni-Al Intermetallics, ASM Journal Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis 2(3). DOI:10.1007/s13632-013-0071-y (2013).
2. A. El-Desouky, S.K. Kassegne, K.Moon, J. Mckittrick, K.Morsi, Rapid Processing & Characterization of Micro-Scale Functionally Graded Porous Materials, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 213 (8) pp. 1251 - 1257(2013).
3. J. Patel, K.Morsi, Effect of Mechanical Alloying on the Microstructure and Properties of Al-Sn-Mg alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 540, 5, p 100-106 (2012)
4. K.Morsi, The Diversity of Combustion Synthesis Processing: A Review, Journal of Materials Science, invited paper, part of the Journal's 45th Anniversary reviews v47, No. 1, p 68-92 (2012).
5. M.Patel, K.S.Moon, S. Kassegne, K.Morsi, Effect of Current Intensity and Cumulative Exposure Time on the Localized Current Activated Sintering of Titanium Nickelides, Journal of Materials Science, v46, No. 20, p 6690-6699 (2011).
6. A.M.K.Esawi, K.Morsi, A.Sayed, M.Taher S. Lanka, The influence of carbon nanotube (CNT) morphology and diameter on the processing and properties of CNT-reinforced aluminium composites, Composites Part A, v42, n 3, p 234- 243(2011)
7. M. J. Bresciani, K. Morsi, A. Duncan, M. Tucker, M. Siprut, K. Stewart, Exploring the Challenges in Designing and Implementing an Assessment Plan for a Virtual Engineering Materials Lab, Eludamos Journal for Computer Game Culture 4 (2), p. 277-285 (2010)
8. K.Morsi, A.M.K.Esawi, P.Borah, S. Lanka, A. Sayed, Characterization and spark plasma sintering of mechanically milled aluminum-carbon nanotube (CNT) composite powders, Journal of Composite Materials, v 44, n 16, p 1991- 2003, (2010)
9. A.M.K.Esawi, K.Morsi, A.Sayed, M.Taher S. Lanka, Effect of carbon nanotube (CNT) content on the mechanical properties of CNT- reinforced aluminium composites, Composites Science and Technology, 70 (16) pp. 2237- 2241 (2010).
10. K.Morsi, A.M.K.Esawi, P.Borah, S. Lanka, A. Sayed, M. Taher, Properties of single and dual matrix aluminum-carbon nanotube composites processed via spark plasma extrusion (SPE), Materials Science and Engineering A, v 527, n 21-22, p 5686-5690, (2010)