Dr. George Youssef

Academic Affairs
College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Primary Email: [email protected]
Primary Phone: (619) 594-6649
Fax: (619) 594-3599
Physical Sciences - 127
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego,
Mail Code: 1323
Website Links
Dr. Youssef received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of California Los Angeles in 2010. Before joining SDSU, he was faculty member at California State University Northridge. His research is in the area of experimental mechanics of nontraditional materials, which include polymers, composites and smart materials. He is currently leading research on the application of composite materials in bioengineering, integration of smart materials in roughness control, and effect of environmental conditions on mechanical performance of protective polymeric coatings.
Areas of Specialization
Mechanics of Nontraditional Materials, Polymers, Composites,
Multiferroic, Experimental Mechanics
Awards & Honors
- SAE Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award – Society of Automotive Engineers, 2016
- Distinguished Engineering Educator – San Fernando Valley Engineers Council, 2014
- Engineering Merit Award – San Fernando Valley Engineers Council, 2012
- California State University Northridge, College of Engineering and Computer Science Research Fellow, 2012
- The Keck Foundation. "Keck Composites Laboratory." Subject matter: establishment of composite materials manufacturing laboratory for undergraduate students. Principal investigator with funding level of $300k.
- California Department of Education. California Career Pathway Trust. Subject matter: Create career pathway from high school to STEM majors and careers. Co-Principal investigator with funding level of ~$570k.
- Department of Defense. Research and Education Program. “Dynamic Characterization of polymers and polymer-based composites.” Subject matter: characterization of mechanical behavior of non-traditional materials. Principal investigator with funding level of ~$160k.
- National Science Foundation. “Engineering Research Center of Translational Applications of Nanoscale Multiferroic Systems." Subject matter: strain-mediated magneto-electric coupling. Co-Principal investigator with funding level of ~$230k.
- Youssef, George, Scott Newacheck and Mario Lopez. “Mapping Magnetoelastic Response of Terfenol-D Ring Structure.” Applied Physics Letters, Vol.110, Issue 19 (2017).
- Youssef, George, Cesar Lopez and J. Michael Kabo. “Composite mechanics of the multilayer structure of the annulus fibrosus.” Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Biomechanics, 1:5, 126-134 (2017).
- Youssef, George, Joseph Brinson and Ian Whitten. “The Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation on the Hyperelastic Behavior of Polyurea.” Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 1-8 (2017).
- Youssef, George, Mario Lopez and Scott Newacheck. “On the effect of polarization direction on the converse magnetoelectric response of multiferroic composite rings.” Smart Materials and Structures. 1-8 (2017).
- Mario Lopez and George Youssef. “Converse Magneto-electric Coefficient of Composite Multiferroic Rings.” Mechanics of Composite and Multi-functional Materials, (2017) Volume 7, 185-191
- Youssef, George and Ian Whitten. “Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Polyurea.” Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials. 1-13 (2016).
- Whitten, Ian, and George Youssef. “The effect of ultraviolet radiation on ultrasonic properties of polyurea.” Polymer Degradation and Stability 123 (2016): 88-93.
- Chavez, Andres C., Mario Lopez, and George Youssef. “Converse magnetoelectric coefficient of concentric multiferroic composite ring.” Journal of Applied Physics 119, no. 23 (2016): 233905.
Assistant Professor: Mechanical Engineering Department, San Diego State University. August 2015 – Present.
Summer Faculty Fellow: Center for Innovation in Ship Design at Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center. Summer 2016.
Assistant Professor: Mechanical Engineering Department, California State University Northridge. Duties involved: August 2011 – August 2015.
Visiting Assistant Professor: Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles. Winter 2013 – Spring 2016.
Lecturer: Mechanical Engineering Department, California State University Northridge. Fall 2007 – Summer 2011.
Engineering Consultant: MG&B Engineering, Inc. August 2008 – December 2010.
Special Technology Engineer: PPG Aerospace (Sierracin/Sylmar). February 2005 – July 2007.