Dr. Ahmed Sherif El-Gizawy

Adjunct Faculty
College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Over the last thirty years with funds from federal agencies and private industries, my research focused on developing mechanistic-based models to make the essential predictions of quality and damage
management in materials subjected to severe environment of thermal and mechanical loading during fabrication and service. My work characteristically has a strong experimental component, but leads to the predictions which are essential for application to process and product design methodologies. 2- I have introduced the effective Digital Technology Approach (DTA) for Generative Design and Additive
Manufacturing, for critical applications in biomedical and aerospace industries. My research has been focused over the last ten years on the application of DTA for development of quality and cost effective
biomedical devices and tools for improvement of patients’ outcomes and enhancing the quality of the health care system in USA. 3- I have provided leadership to the establishment of a multidisciplinary
research and technology transfer centre (The Industrial and Technological Development Centre, ITDC) at the University of Missouri. In January of 2009 I founded the Industrial Technology Development and Management (ITech.D&M), LLC Company. This small business company is dedicated to enhancing American productivity and competitiveness through research, development, and technology transfer. 4- In my role as educator, I have developed several undergraduate and graduate courses in the area of manufacturing process engineering and product design. I have also developed three major laboratories including the manufacturing systems lab, process simulation and control Lab., and rapid prototyping and digital design Laboratory. 5- I have participated in many review panels at NSF and organized several conferences and symposiums for professional organizations. I am member of the National Research Council (NRC) team for assessment of research doctorate programs in the USA I have supervised twenty three Doctoral Degree Candidates and over sixty MS Students during my tenure at University of Missouri (MU). I have published more than hundred technical papers in the open literature. I gave more than seventy technical presentations at international meetings in the United States, Canada, Europe and the Middle East.
B.Sc., 1972 and M.Sc., 1976 Mechanical Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt.
Ph.D., 1983 Mechanical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Areas of Specialization
Design and Manufacturing
Awards & Honors
- Distinguished Research Fellow (faculty endowed position),
1990. - College Research Professor (faculty endowed position), 1992.
- Listed on Who’s Who in America, Marquis, Vol. 50, 1996.
- Listed on Who’s Who In Science and Engineering, Marquis,
4th ed., 1998. - Best Paper Award “Knowledge-based Realization of Design Concepts,” The 1999 ASME Computers and Information in Engineering.
- Dr. El-Gizawy won the Simulation of Complex Physical
- Behavior Session’s honor paper award during the Virtual Concept 2006 conference organized by the International Institution Design Society in December 2006. The paper is entitled “Simulation of Polymer Flow Behavior in Molding Carbon Reinforced Composites.”
1. El-Gizawy, A. Sherif, Editor, Melaibari, A., and, Arnone, J. Co-authors (2024) “Digitally-Based Design Approach of Medical Devices and Precision Products, Cambridge Scholars Publishing,”500 pages Book, in progress.
2. El-Gizawy, A. Sherif, Ma, X, Pfeiffer, F, Schiffbauer, J., and Selly, T. (2023) Characterization of Microarchitectures, Stiffness and Strength of Human Trabecular Bone Using Micro-computed Tomography (Micro-CT) Scans, BioMed, 3, 89-100. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomed3010007
3. Arnone J., Crist B., Ward C., El-Gizawy A., Pashuck T., Della Rocca G. (2021) Variability of Human Femoral Geometry and Its Implications on Nail Design. Injury, January 2021, Pages 109-116.
4. Melaibari, Ammar , Phan, Thao, El-Gizawy, A.S., Youssuf, G. (2023) Development of Predictive Models for the Design of Additive Manufactured Products using Material Extrusion (ME). J Additive Manufacturing, in Review
5. Phon, T, El-Gizawy, A.S., Phan, Q. (2020) Development of Combined Analytical and Experimental Approach for Determination of the Cohesion Strength between FDM Layers Using True Area of Contact. Additive Manufacturing, 30 (2019) 100832.
6. El-Gizawy A. Sherif, Khasawneh FA, Bogis Haitham (2016) Drilling Process Design for Hybrid Structures of Polymer Composites over Titanium Alloy. J Material Sci Eng 5: 243.doi:10.4172/2169-0022.1000243.
7. El-Gizawy A. Sherif, Chitti Babu S, and Bogis Haitham (2016) An Integrated Modeling Approach for Management of Process-Induced Properties in Friction Stir Welding Processes. J Appl Mech Eng 5: 196. doi:10.4172/2168- 9873.1000196.
8. Ahmed Sherif El-Gizawy, Laurent Eap, Xuewei Ma, 2016. Reliability Based Design of Femoral Locking Plate Systems. Proceedings of the ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition: November 11-17, 2016, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
9. El-Gizawy A.S., Kinsara A., Mousa G., Gunn A. (2016) Development of Modular Robotic Design Concepts for Hot Cell Applications. Advances in Robotics & Automation, 5:2, DOI:10.4172/2168-9695.1000154
10. Khaled A. M Adem, Roger Fales. Ahmed Sherif El-Gizawy (2015) Identification of Cutting Force Coefficients for the Linear and Nonlinear Force Models in End Milling Process Using Average Forces and Optimization Technique Methods, International Journal of Advanced
Manufacturing Technology 79(9). DOI: 10.1007/s00170-015-6935-3
11. Leiting Dong, Ahmed S. El-Gizawy, Khalid A. Juhany, and Satya N. Atluri, “A Simple Locking- Alleviated 3D Node Mixed-Collocation C0 Finite Element with Over-Integration, for Functionally-Graded and Laminated Thick-Section Plates and Shells, with & without Z-Pins”,
CMC, vol.41, no.3, pp.163-192, 2014.
12. Leiting Dong, Ahmed S. El-Gizawy, Khalid A. Juhany, and Satya N. Atluri, “A Simple Locking- Alleviated 4-Node Mixed-Collocation Finite Element with Over-Integration, for Homogeneous or Functionally-Graded or Thick-Section Laminated Composite Beams”, CMC, vol.40, no.1, pp.49-77, 2014.
13. Arnone, J., El-Gizawy, A. Sherif., Ward. C., Della Rocca, G., Crist, B., 2013. An Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering Approach for Parametric Investigation of Locked Plating Systems Design, ASME Transactions, J. Med. Devices 7(2), 021001 (Jun 24, 2013) (8 pages).
14. Arnone, J., Ward. C., Della Rocca, G., Crist, B., El-Gizawy, A.S., “Simulation-Based Design Of Orthopedic Trauma Implants,” Proceedings Of The ASME International Mechanical Engineering
Congress & Exposition, IMECE2010-40936, November 12-18, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, CD-ROM—8 pp.
15. El-Gizawy, A. S., Cardona, J.A., Graybill, B. “An Integrated Approach For Characterization of Properties and Mesostructure of Fused Deposition Modeling ULTEM 9085 Products,” SAMPE 2010 Technical Conference Proceedings: New Materials and Processes for a New Economy, Seattle, WA, May 17-20, 2010. Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, CD-ROM—13 pp.
16. El-Gizawy, A. S., “Characterization of Anisotropic Properties of Fused Deposition Modeling Polycarbonate Components,” Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advanced Materials for Application In Acoustics and Vibration,” Center for Advanced Materials, The British University in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt, 4-6 January, 2009, CD-ROM,10 pp.
17. Khattab, A. and El-Gizawy, A.S., “Characterization of Process-induced Properties in VARIM of High Temperature Composites,” Journal of Advanced Materials, Vol. 40, July, 2008, pp 51-68.
18. Kessler, S., El-Gizawy, A.S, and Smith, D., “Incorporating Neural Network Material Models within Finite Element Analysis,” Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, ASME, Vol. 129, February, 2007, pp 58-65.
19. El-Gizawy, A.S., Jones, R., and Abu-Hamdan, M.G., “Experimentally-Based Quality Design
Methodology,” Journal of Engineering Design, May 1992, pp. 49-61.