Prof. Asfaw Beyene and prof. Joaquin Camacho $1.7 Million Grant from DOE

Prof. Asfaw Beyene and prof. Joaquin Camacho

The SDSU Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) has been funded for another four years. Prof. Asfaw Beyene, the PI, and Prof. Joaquin Camacho, the Co-PI, secured a total of $1.7 million-dollar funding from the US Department of Energy. The primary goal of the Center is training the next generation of energy engineers by providing hands-on experience to graduate and undergraduate students, and also promoting energy efficiency through service to small and medium sized manufacturing. SDSU IAC is one of the 37 such Centers scattered all over the country. The combined impact of these goals is expected to help reduce the country’s energy dependency, promote a clean environment by reducing emissions, create clean jobs, and enhance the competitiveness of US industry in the global marketplace. Exposure of faculty to manufacturing and industry floors help identify innovative ideas that can promote academic research.

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